This was a pretty crazy year, some of which I won't post anything about on this website. Suffice it to say, we were put to the test this year.
Bruce chaired his high school class 35-year reunion committee, planned and executed a very successful reunion. Here are only a few of the photos he took there. There were many more photos taken, but they are locked away in a website accessible exclusively by members of the 1974 graduating class of Connersville High School.
In August, Andrew went to Germany with his school class. Each student stayed with a different family. Andrew stayed with the Schewik family in Braunschweig. Then in October, Timo Schewik stayed with us for a few very interesting weeks.
A week before Christmas we received a little present... 17 inches of snow. This set a record for the DC area for December.
Bruce's father, Earl, turned 80 this year. He and his sister, Linda, surprised him with a nice dinner at the Coldwater Cafe in Tipp City OH.
She finally joined the ranks of us "old people". With an extreme amount of help from my neighbor Melissa, I planned and pulled-off a party that truly surprised Eileen.
Since December 2008, Bruce has traveled to Tokyo a total of four times. Though these trips were mainly for work, he still managed to take in some sights.
All told, we visited Rachel five times in 2009. These are some of the more memorable moments.